Sustainable Minimalists
88% of consumers think gift returns go right back on the shelf to be resold to the next consumer. This belief is false. Most end up in landfills.
2 Billion glass candle jars end up in landfills each year. Assume an average weight of a glass jar from a candle is 200 grams. Therefore, approximately 400 billion grams (or 400,000 metric tons) of glass waste from disposable glass jar candles end up in landfills each year. The amount of glass waste from disposable glass jar candles each year would cover approximately 29,684,601 (almost 30 million) football fields to a depth of 1 meter!
We have the belief that anything is disposable, when actually, no “thing” is disposable. We need to trash this belief and understand it differently. Whatever you choose to buy is yours forever. Pg. 15, Donum: Creating a Sustainable Gifting Experience.