The Issue
88% of consumers think gift returns go right back on the shelf to be resold to the next consumer. This belief is false. Most end up in landfills.
5.8 Billion tons of returns end up in landfills each year.
The shipping process for these gifts emits 16 million metric tons of CO2 each year.
Returning a gift can cost the seller 66% of the gift’s sale price, making it cheaper to dispose of the return and simply send a replacement.
Donum provides 7 easy and thoughtful steps to becoming a sustainable gift giver – to help stop gift returns in their tracks and create a sustainable gifting experience by purchasing the right gift, and getting it right the first time.
The simple ideas outlined in Donum will help alleviate the massive waste of resources, save shoppers time, and help solve the problems that reverse logistics simply cannot. This is a gift to you, to us, and the planet.
Tracey Alexandria Lynch is the CEO and Founder of Donum, Inc., and Lynchpinned Life. A writer, coach, strategist, and entrepreneur, she is dedicated to the ideas that have the ability to change our collective consciousness, and therefore our lives, our communities, and our world.

A decorated Staff Sergeant, with 17 years of service in the US Army, Rod is a likeminded writer, coach, minimalist, and entrepreneur who is passionate about the health, fitness, and longevity of our human lives and our planet.